"Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents"
Learn to Build a Hyperlocal Lead Generation System
That Attracts Leads & Increases Sales
Without Constant Rejection
or Super-Expensive Advertising
Learn How to Make a Local Area Guide Like This One...
People LOVE this type of information from real estate agents! A guide like this will CONVINCE your prospects that you are THE local area real estate expert...then you're the only agent they want to hire.
This is how you get people to give you their contact information (name and email address) so they can receive the guide. Then you should follow up effectively to convert that Lead into a Client.
You Can Get Results Like These...
"This course was excellent! The detailed workbook and videos helped me even though I'm not a computer person. I finished my guide in about a week and now I'm ready to start advertising it!"
-- Pam K
"Now I get REAL emails at my open houses. People want this information, so they give me their contact info and I email my guide to them. Then I can stay in touch. I have 2 new clients from this and expect a lot more."
-- Jennifer G
"My website wasn't doing me any good until I added this content and offered a guide to the area. Now I get at least 20 leads a month and they are GREAT leads for real buyers."
-- Sherona M
"I have wanted to create a guide like this for years. This process was easier than I thought it would be...thanks to the templates provided."
-- Tom W
"I got my first 5 buyers by advertising my guide on FaceBook! So easy to do these days."
-- Doreen
"Just started and I'm finally generating leads on a regular basis...about 20-30 new leads a month! I've signed at least 3 new clients with this system."
-- Lance H
"If you're frustrated because none of your lead gen activities are working...I know how you feel!"
When I first started my real estate career in 2009, I was so naive! I actually thought the Broker would provide the leads and I would just have to “work them.” When I discovered that I had to generate my own leads I was like: “How do I do that?!”
So I did what everyone tells us to do:
- “Work Your Sphere!”
(Except no one in my sphere was on the market to buy or sell) - “Work Your Database!”
(Except my database was tiny and they all know 5 other real estate agents) - “Pass Out Your Business Card to 5-10 People a Day!”
(Except I’m an introvert and this burned me out very quickly) - “Door Knock and Host Open Houses!”
(Except these can be dangerous activities & waste time) - “Mail Out Just Sold Post Cards!”
(Except these are expensive and take too long to work)
I tried all those activities and wasn’t generating enough leads to be successful. And I was very frustrated too because I got into this business to have some freedom and to earn a lucrative income…not to do activities that I hate (pushing myself onto others and begging them to hire me).
Plus, as a newbie agent, I didn’t have a huge advertising budget to work with or a large “Sphere of Influence.”

"I cracked the code for marketing myself as a real estate agent in today's digital world."
So I started looking around for an alternative and stumbled into Internet Marketing. Woo hoo! The hard part was that all the information out there about Internet Marketing was generic…not focused on the exact, unique way that real estate agents have to do internet marketing.
You don't need a website to generate leads this way.
I spent a few years trying things out and seeing what actually WORKS. Now I generate over 500 leads a year, with very minimal effort on my part, and I have the freedom and lucrative income that I always wanted…without the hassle of door knocking and cold calling and bugging my friends and family!! In fact, I generate too many leads and have a profitable referral business as well.
And you don’t have to be a “techie” computer guru either. If you can use Microsoft Word and follow instructions (including my detailed step-by-step videos) and you’re willing to make the effort, then I can show you how to build a lead generation system that generates leads 24x7 for the rest of your career. But it all starts by creating your own local area guide.
The system can’t build itself…you must make SOME effort…but when you are finished you will have a lead generating machine that helps you create the lifestyle that you’ve always wanted.

First you have to create an AWESOME local area guide. This will give you something to promote and share both online and in-person.
You may have wanted to start trying Facebook and Google ads, but you don't know where to start. Advertising a local area guide is the best place to begin! I'll show you how, step-by-step.
Plus, you can use your local area guide to compliment ALL of your other marketing activities:
- Social Media Posts – Copy and paste information from your local area guide, and use your photos of the area, to create interesting social media posts several times a week. No more agonizing over what to write about on social media!
- Open Houses – Show a copy of your local area guide to the people who attend your Open Houses. Then tell them you can email a copy if they give you their REAL email address.
- Local Restaurants & Businesses – Leave a stack of business card sized ads for your local area guide at local restaurant and business check-out counters. Set up a reciprocal ad service…put an ad for their business in your guide for free if they will let you advertise your local area guide at their business. Post your brochures on local bulletin boards (club house, YMCA, gyms, golf clubhouse, home builders, etc.).
- Direct Mail – Advertise your local area guide on post cards (when Farming your neighborhood) to offer people something they will find interesting. Or send post cards to nearby apartment complex residents who may be interested in moving to your neighborhood of focus.
- Door Knocking – Advertise your local area guide on door hangers and leave these around the neighborhood when you go door-knocking. Local residents will be interested in the market data in your guide. Carry a printed copy of your local area guide so you can show an example of the market data included.
- Networking Activities – Whenever you are doing in-person networking, your business card should advertise your local area guide. When you give out your business card, point to the back-side and tell people about your local area guide. This will differentiate yourself from other real estate agents.
- Prospecting Calls – Make sure you tell the people you already know about your local area guide and email them a copy. This helps build your credibility with your Sphere of Influence.
- Neighborhood Facebook Groups/Pages – Make sure you post about your local area guide on your neighborhood’s Facebook page/group on a monthly basis…so new residents can sign up.
- Print Ads – If you choose to do print advertising, then advertise your local area guide in neighborhood newsletters, local newspapers, the Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Guide, etc.
- Website – Once you finish this training course, and create a local area guide, you will have everything you need to create an AWESOME lead generating website. Copy and paste info from your local area guide to your website.
If you already have a website, but it doesn't generate leads, then this is the "lead magnet" that will get people to sign up!
Never hand out hard copies of your guide. Show a sample
and tell the prospect you will email it to them. That's how you get the lead.
You Don't Need a Website to Get Started!
While it's true that a full Internet Marketing System (with your own website) should be your ultimate goal, let's face it...you can't do everything at once.
First create your local area guide, then you will have what you need to start generating leads NOW. There are many ways to use a guide to generate leads that don't require a website. (See the list above.)
In Module 6 of this training course, I will teach you three promotional strategies to generate leads with your local area guide. The Basic Approach and the Paid Approach (with No Website) can be used immediately (without your own website) to start generating leads.

For years now I’ve had other real estate agents ask me “How do you do THAT?!” Meaning: How do you build an automated and VERY EFFECTIVE lead generation system.
So, I finally took the time, over the past several years, and put together an easy-to-follow, step-by-step training course, with all the easy-to-use tools you need, so you can build a LEAD GENERATING MAGNET as well. This training course will save you time and frustration…you don’t have to spend years like I did, trying to figure it out for yourself. I made (and learned from) all the mistakes...so you don't have to!
You need income NOW. So you need to start building this system NOW.
The first step is to create an awesome “lead magnet” to offer to prospects. My Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents training course will provide you with everything you need to create an awesome, lead-generating, local area guide.
The local area guide is the FIRST STEP in the process of building an Internet Marketing System because it’s the information you need to build a traffic-attracting website and the best item you can advertise to entice people to sign up and give you their contact information.

"You don't need a website. There are many ways to advertise a local area guide and get leads."
In the Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents training course, I teach you exactly how to create an awesome guide that is unique and that prospects want. This is the exact type of guide that I use to generate over 500 high-quality leads each year. I have spent the last 10 years of my career perfecting this system and I have learned all the insider secrets that you can’t learn anywhere else!

I’m one of the very few active real estate agents who really understands the process and what it takes to generate high-quality leads correctly so that it will actually work for you.
Other programs out there are provided by digital marketing gurus who have never worked as an active real estate agent. They can show you generic information on digital marketing, but they don’t know what is REALLY effective as a real estate agent in today’s world.
In this training course, you will learn the step-by-step process developed by a 12-year veteran real estate agent who reveals the new way to generate WARM & HOT leads by offering consumers a unique item that they actually WANT but can’t get anywhere else.
⊗ You don’t need a big database to get started…
⊗ You don’t need your own website…
⊗ You don’t need to be a computer guru…
⊗ You don’t need a super-large advertising budget…
⊗ You don’t have to cold call, door knock, or host Open Houses…
⊗ You don’t need to waste time waiting for post cards to work…
√ You Just Need to Get Started with My Training Course!
√ Action Is Everything – Waiting Gets You NOWHERE Fast
Don’t believe me? Test me out! Do a Google search for some of the keyword phrases below, to see how my www.KatyHomesForSaleTX.com website ranks organically (free):
- katy neighborhoods
- katy master planned communities
- katy flood zones
- katy real estate market report
- katy property taxes
- katy activities
- tamarron katy
- grand lakes katy
- seven meadows katy
This proves that I'm actively using this system to generate leads. This also shows how the information that goes into your local area guide is also what you use to build a website that attracts traffic for free.
Watch the PROOF video to see actual screenshots of my results!
Brand Yourself As the Local AUTHORITY!
“Authority marketing is leveraging your knowledge and experience to gain leadership status in your marketplace. In other words, authority marketing involves sharing the fact that you are an expert in a certain field with all your potential clients.”
—Brian Horn
"This kind of guide helps you build your CREDIBILITY with your Sphere of Influence."
When you sign up for the Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents training course, here's what you get:
- Training workbook with over 80 pages and checklists and step-by-step instructions.
- Instructions checklist so you know exactly what to do and in what order.
- Worksheets to help you gather information on your local area.
- Over 6 hours of detailed instructional videos that walk you through the process, step-by-step. This includes how to gather all the information that will go inside your guide.
- Local area guide fill-in-the-blank templates you can use to create professional-looking guides in Microsoft Word (which are then saved as PDF files). Detailed videos will show you exactly how!
- Templates to create marketing items to advertise your local area guide at local businesses (if you so choose) including:
- Business card template so you can print business cards and leave them at local businesses and restaurants
- Brochure template to hand out at open houses or post on local bulletin boards
- Door hanger template for advertising your local area guide within a Farm area
- Post card template for advertising your local area guide within a Farm area
- BONUS! Social media calendar and checklist so you know what to post on social media every day to build your credibility as THE local area real estate expert.
- BONUS VIDEOS to show you exactly how to create Google and Facebook ads to generate online leads before you build your website.
Plenty of Training Videos to Walk You Through the Steps...
Watch the video below to see a list of all the training videos (over 6 hours worth) that you will get in this training course. Each video is designed to walk you through the process step-by-step. It's like sitting next to a trusted colleague but BETTER because you can Stop and Rewind!
Right now is a fantastic time to start this process because you want to start offering your local area guide BEFORE your competitors do. The early bird gets the worm and differentiates itself from the other birdies. If you are the first real estate agent on the block who provides this type of guide, then you will have a head start in gaining the market share you need to be successful.
And if you plan to have a full Internet Marketing System, with your own website, then you want to start sooner rather than later, because with search engines (such as Google and Bing) time equals value. When a search robot looks at two different websites presenting similar information, it also considers how long each website has been published. So, all other things being equal, a one-year old website typically has more value and gets a higher ranking that a one-month old website.
This is why you have to get online now! The longer your website has been published, the more likely it will be ranked higher than competing websites. But you can't build a great lead generating website without having a great local area guide (and the content that it contains).
"Content Is King"

10 Reasons To Use a Local Area Guide to Generate Leads
There are at least ten reasons why you should create a local area guide and use it to generate leads, as detailed below.
Makes You a Better Real Estate Agent
Too many agents have superficial knowledge of the area in which they work. When you do the research needed on your area to create a local area guide, then you increase your knowledge. This knowledge makes you a better, more effective real estate agent. Plus, you will feel more confident as a real estate agent when you acquire the local area knowledge that other agents lack. Confidence sells!
Builds Your Authority As Local Expert
Who do you think people want to hire? A guy who says he’s the local area expert or the person who has “written the book” (so to speak) about the area? When people see you’re guide, they will believe that you are the local Authority in your area.
Gives You a Key Differentiator
Who else in your area is providing in-depth real estate guides about the area? Usually, it’s not other real estate agents (your competitors). Sure the Chamber of Commerce may have a relocation guide, but it will not have all the information that your guide will have. Since you will be (probably) the only real estate agent in the area who provides this level of information, you will differentiate yourself from your competition.
Compliments Your Other Lead Generating Tactics
To be successful, you should use multiple lead generation methods. Having an impressive local area guide helps you in other lead generation activities as well. You can print brochures that advertise your local guide, and provide them at your open houses. How many agents do that? (Think “key differentiator.”) You can email copies to people that you meet at networking and volunteer events. You can post about it on your social media platforms. It’s something you can offer to email people you meet when door-knocking. Having a local area guide with your photo on the cover will enhance most of your other lead generating tactics.
Less Stressful Way to Generate Leads with Minimal Rejection
Cold calling, door knocking, hosting open houses, going to networking events…these lead generation tactics are very stressful for many real estate agents because of the constant rejection. By offering a local area guide, prospects contact you (because they want a copy of the guide), and you don’t have to deal with rejection on a constant basis.
Efficient Way to Find Warm and Hot Leads
The Internet is where most prospects start their home buying process because over 95 percent of prospects use the Internet when they are buying a home. So if you want to be found by “warm” and “hot” leads, then you have to advertise on the Internet. Google ads and Facebook ads are more efficient than cold calling and door knocking “cold” leads or waiting for someone in your SOI to give you a hot lead.
Less Expensive Than Other Methods of Lead Generation
Direct mail campaigns, postcards, print ads…these are expensive forms of advertising. Studies show that you must repetitively and consistently advertise via post cards and print ads over a long period of time before they will be effective. Memberships in local networking organizations can cost a lot too. However, with Internet marketing you can reach warm and hot prospects for a lot less money than print advertising. Plus, if you build an IMS with a great website that is easy to find when people do Internet searches, then your monthly costs for your own website can be as little at $140/mth.
Produces Higher Quality Leads
With most lead generating tactics, the agent is the active party and the prospect is the passive party. However, when a prospect signs up for a local area guide, or some other Item of Value that you offer, the prospect has become the active party and is more engaged in the process. This results in much higher quality of leads, that are easier to convert into clients.
Easier to Convert Into Clients
We’ve all heard the adage: “People like to work with people they know, like, and trust.” When you impress prospects with valuable information about your local area, then you establish credibility for yourself—the trust factor. If you use an auto responder to follow up with a series of automated emails about yourself and your area, then that helps to build rapport as well to convert the prospect into a client.
Generates Leads 24x7 - Even When You Sleep
Once you set up a full Internet Marketing system, it’s going to generate leads for you 24x7 for the rest of your career. Since it’s available on the Internet, and people can search the Internet 24 hrs a day, then they can access your lead generating system without any effort on your part. This is not true with hosting open houses…you have to be there. This is not true with calling Expireds and FSBOs…you have to be there. This is not true with networking and volunteering…you have to be there.
The first step to building a full IMS is to create your local area guide!
The Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents training course will walk you through the process, step-by-step and show you exactly how to create a local area guide that you can use to generate leads for your real estate business. If you only generate ONE lead from this method, then this training course MORE than pays for itself.
This is one of the most popular and valuable tools that I’ve ever created. I promise it will be the best money you’ve ever spent on your real estate business. You’ll instantly have the step-by-step instruction, workbook, videos, templates (everything!) for starting your lead generation machine using a local area guide.
However, if you are not completely satisfied with this training course (workbook, videos, templates, worksheets, and downloads) then just email us and you will receive 100% refund (see our Help page for detailed information).
“How much is it costing you to keep doing what you’re doing
and getting the same (unsuccessful) results?”
If you generate even ONE customer with this method,
then it paid for itself and more!
Get ready to generate enough leads to have a
truly successful career and lifestyle.