What To Do AFTER You Get
Your Real Estate License
"JumpStart for Real Estate Agents"
Get the ESSENTIAL Answers, Systems, Tools, and Skills You Need to Catapult Your Real Estate Career
This is the Most Comprehensive Book for Building a Successful Real Estate Career--Fast!
Here's a Sample of the ESSENTIAL Things You'll Discover In This Book...
😀 Complete Checklist for Starting a Real Estate Business to guide you on your journey page 16
😀 How to choose the RIGHT broker for YOU and your unique needs page 42
😀 How to compare different compensation plans to make sure you achieve your financial goals page 29
😀 How to determine how many houses you will need to sell to reach your goals page 30
😀 Understanding your budget and business expenses so you are well-prepared page 24
😀 How to learn your local market and answer the "How's the Market?" question with credibility page 103
😀 What knowledge you need to acquire (and where to get it) to build your credibility as a new real estate agent (so people will hire you) page 80
😀 The world's greatest Daily Checklist for real estate agents so you don't sit around all day trying to figure out what to do next page 221
😀 How to build your social media platform (and what to post) to advertise yourself and how to brand yourself effectively page 145
😀 How to create the tools that you need in order to manage your real estate transactions and WOW your clients page 168
😀 How to create an awesome Listing Presentation, Listing Packet, and Buyer's Presentation so you win those clients page 198
😀 How to choose the RIGHT lead generation systems and a PROFITABLE target market so your lead generation will actually WORK page 103
😀 How to set up a free (but effective) Prospecting System in order to "work your database" and stay in touch with your "Sphere of Influence" to get new leads page 205
😀 How to compete against the long-time, veteran agents in your area (and avoid the "How long have you been a real estate agent question?") so people will hire you, even though you are new page 79
This is a 230+ page, 8"x11" book that weighs 1.5 lbs! It is THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE BOOK for real estate agents on the market.
You will learn things in this book that are NOT TAUGHT ANYWHERE ELSE...including your brokerage (no matter who you sign-on with).
This step-by-step guide is exactly what you need to build an exciting and lucrative business in real estate!
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FREE Real Estate Agent Toolkit Checklist
Yes, real estate agents need tools to run their businesses. Listing presentation, listing packet, buyer's presentation, income and expense tracking spreadsheet, contact sheets, lead tracking sheets, checklists to give to clients, business plan, and lots more! Make sure you're not missing anything! Download a detailed checklist of everything that should be in your real estate agent toolkit. Plus, learn how to USE these items to impress your clients. Successful agents have the RIGHT tools to compete with other agents and IMPRESS clients.
We will email you this item immediately after you CLAIM THE BOOK NOW.

FREE Professional Audit for Real Estate Agents (Self-Quiz)
I know many of you may have been in the business for several months now and are struggling. So, to help you figure out what’s missing, I put together a 10-minute professional self-quiz that you can use to help you figure out what you need to get on track. This self-quiz will very quickly help you identify the holes in your real estate business…the things that you need to do to get start achieving your goals. Keep in mind that you probably haven’t heard of, or even thought of, many of the items on this assessment. Yes, FINALLY learn what you've been missing. Then, when the book arrives, you will be ready to do what you need to do to catapult your business.
We will email you this item immediately after you CLAIM THE BOOK NOW.
Look Inside
Here's a quick look (video) at the contents of the book.
Dimensions = 8"x11" and 1/2-inch thick
Pages = 251
Weight = 1.5lbs
"Since you need to start earning a living in this business right away, don't waste time trying to figure it all out by yourself!"
What people are saying about this book...
"Wow! This book is amazing! I thought my broker’s training was good, but I was still having a hard time and thought it was just me and that I wasn’t doing something right. Now I see that training wasn’t complete. They don’t teach half the stuff that’s in this book. It goes to show how much more helpful it is to get training/advice from a REAL agent who’s actually working in the business!"
-- Jack C
"The JumpStart book should be mandatory for all agents. I haven't found this much helpful information anywhere else. I wish someone would have told me all this sooner! Not even my mentor showed me how to do a market analysis like this. The worksheets are incredibly helpful and I think this is the best " Daily Checklist" that I have seen yet."
-- Armando R
"This book has so much helpful information. I've been stumbling around for four months and I can see now what I've been missing. I think the chapter on "Becoming a local area expert" is on of the most eye-opening pieces of advise that no one else has told me! I'm so glad I go this book. I finally feel like I'm making progress!"
-- Wade D
"Hands down the best business plan that I have seen for real estate agents. I can’t believe all the info in chapter 8 showing all the document examples…so helpful! I’ve been wanting to create so many of these things and didn’t know what or how until now. My broker didn’t give me any of this stuff! Seriously, I am so thankful to get this book. It is a treasure for all real estate agents…not just new ones."
-- Troy B
"If you think this book is great (and it is!) wait until you buy the toolkit. OMG I can’t believe all the stuff I got! This is going to save me weeks and weeks of time and I think this stuff will impress my buyers and sellers. I really needed the advice about finding a profitable target market too. That was a game-changer for me. Now I see I was on the wrong path. I kept getting advice on farming an area but no one told me how to find the best one for me. Plus I had no idea how to find the top-selling communities in my city. I will use the info on doing a market analysis to create market reports for my database. I bet my sphere will luv it!"
-- Lorena A
"Anybody can get a real estate license. Only the few actually become SUCCESSFUL, money-making real estate agents."
All Newbie Real Estate Agents Have The Same Problem:
All newbie real estate agents share the same problem: TRAINING.
In order to become a successful, money-making real estate agent, you need effective, real-world training. But here’s the challenge…
Have you ever watched gymnastics on television? You see a great gymnastics routine and you’re thinking, “Wow!” but the commentators start pointing out all the mistakes…things you didn’t even notice. Then, sure enough, the judges give the routine a low score.
Well, the reason that happens is because you are not a professional gymnast. You don’t have the skills and experience to properly evaluate a gymnastics routine. You don’t understand all the nuances and techniques for the proper execution of a gymnastics routine.

Newbie real estate agents have the same problem. They don’t have the experience and skills to effectively evaluate the information they are receiving in training courses, books, articles, etc. It’s a Catch 22 situation. You need knowledge, skills, and experience to accurately judge real estate training, but you can’t get that knowledge and experience without effective training!
And believe me when I tell you, there’s a lot of ineffective training in the real estate industry! Like, did you know that most of the articles about real estate that you read online were NOT written by licensed real estate agents, but they were probably written by a professional Internet writer who has never worked a single day as a real estate agent?!
And, even though most brokerages don’t offer formal training courses for new agents, the ones who do may offer training that was developed by professional instructional designers who, again, do not have a real estate license and probably never worked a single day as a real estate agent.
I should know…before I got my real estate license in 2009, I was a professional instructional designer, trainer, tech writer in the corporate world. I used to make a living by learning new software programs and writing the user manuals and training courses to teach those new programs.
So, the biggest problem that all newbie real estate agents have to deal with is: How to Get the Best Training for New Real Estate Agents when you don’t know enough to effectively evaluate the training.

Who is Sheila Cox and What's Her Story?
My name is Sheila Cox, and I love helping real estate agents SUCCEED in this business! I know you can achieve your dreams and aspirations...you just need some help from a PRO.
I have been a licensed real estate agent in Texas since 2009 (so please excuse the accent!) and have received the Five-Star Real Estate Agent award every year since 2010. I'm told that less than 1 percent of all real estate agents can claim this achievement. I mention it because this award is based on client satisfaction and don't you want to learn from someone who actually knows what they're doing?!
I still remember how lost, confused, and overwhelmed that I felt when I started my real estate career. Back then, I thought I would learn everything that I needed to know from my broker. I was wrong. My first broker didn't have ANY formal training class. And my second broker's training just "scratched the surface."
Of course, when you're new, you don't know what you don't know. You can't really evaluate how good the training is because you're not there yet. You don't have the right knowledge and experience to see that you're only being taught HALF of what you need to know (if that). That explains why you keep doing the things that you're taught, but you don't get the successful results you expect. (It's the training that's the problem...not you.)
So getting back to my real estate training journey, starting in 2009...
When I found out that I was "on my own" without a formal training program at my brokerage, I thought (maybe) I could learn what I needed from books on Amazon. So I bought, read, and studied about 30 books for real estate agents. But they were mostly outdated or they just scratched the surface too. When you're new at something, you need step-by-step instructions...not just an overview! I really got tired of reading or hearing WHAT to do but never HOW to do it.
I tried learning from colleagues and mentors in my office, but most of them couldn't remember the things they did 20 years ago when they first started in real estate. Plus, if they're successful, that means they are busy and not readily available. Not to mention that they see newbie agents as competitors in the same market...so they don't want to teach you their best systems.
And...just because someone is good at something, doesn't mean they're good at TEACHING it to others. You may have experienced this when trying to learn from colleagues in your office. A colleague/mentor may be a great real estate agent, but an ineffective teacher.
Besides buying/studying all those real estate books, I also spent somewhere between $4000-6000 on "fancy" real estate training courses the first couple of years of my career. Most of them were pretty good, but each one only taught me PART of the WHOLE. There is really so much to learn about real estate, and none of those expensive training programs taught me EVERYTHING I needed as a new agent.
So I began my journey in real estate and stumbled around a lot. Fortunately, I had a spouse to pay the bills while it took me several years to figure this all out. But I know that many of you don't have that luxury. You need to start making money as soon as possible.
After about 5 years, I finally achieved the financial freedom that I wanted in my real estate career, but I still wanted something more. You see, I have a "teaching spirit." I love teaching others! Before I became a real estate agent, I was a professional corporate trainer. I spent the first 15 years of my working life as a trainer/writer and I wanted to get back to that because I missed the "buzz" I get sharing knowledge with others and helping them succeed.
That's why I have combined my 14 years of real estate experience, with the 30+ real estate books I've studied, and the knowledge that I acquired in the fancy ($4-6K) training courses, as well as the hundreds of hours I've spent in webinars, seminars, and training classes...not to mention the hundreds of online articles I have read, all into ONE ULTIMATE TRAINING BOOK for new real estate agents.
Plus, I used my own business background (before real estate) and marketing degree to develop NEW methods for real estate success...because some of the stuff out there is just not good enough.
I basically gathered a ton of real estate training info and experience, selected the "best of the best," and then honed it into what I think is the ESSENTIAL collection of training information for new real estate agents available. You will learn MANY THINGS in my book that are not taught anywhere else...because I developed them myself.
This is THE most thorough and comprehensive book for new real estate agents! Condensed and readily available with easy-to-use checklists, worksheets, and instructions. Consider this to be like a "boot camp" or "two-a-day training" for real estate agents. If you do all the exercises in this book, you will end up with the knowledge, systems, and tools that it takes most people 2-3 YEARS to develop...if they make it that long.
So YOU don’t have to waste all the time and money, that I had to spend, to figure out how to become a successful real estate agent. You can get what you need to know NOW and "jump start" or catapult your real estate career.
Surely that's worth $9 shipping and handling!! I'm just sayin' 😎

Why You Urgently Need This Book
After getting a real estate license, most new agents struggle to find real-world training to help them start their real estate career. They very quickly find out that they need a detailed road map to guide them in their first year or two in the business.
Most agents never get all the help they need, so the failure rate for new agents is frequently quoted to be 87 percent! (look and see)
This step-by-step workbook is filled with helpful answers, instructions, worksheets, tips, and checklists to launch your new real estate career as quickly as possible. If you only read one book at the beginning of your real estate career, then this should be it!
This is not a vague book filled with general advice. It is a practical, hands-on guide that you will use to fill-in-the-blank, check-off-the-list, and set up your new real estate business...without wasting time, money, and effort doing the wrong things in the wrong order.
Just follow this proven step-by-step process, developed by an experienced real estate agent, to jump start your career and achieve the financial security and independent lifestyle you desire.
⊗ You don't need to depend on your broker to get this information...
⊗ You don’t need to ask the other agents in your office (who forgot most of the first steps anyway)…
⊗ You don’t have to read every real estate book ever written…
⊗ You don’t need to waste time trying to figure this all out (which will take YEARS)…
√ You just need to go through the JumpStart book!
√ This is the fastest way to get on the path to a successful money-making career in real estate!
NOPE! Your Broker Is NOT Going to Teach You All This

This BOOK is for...
- Pre-licensed people who want to get a head-start in the business while they are studying for the exam
- Part-time agents who want to prepare as much as possible before quitting their day job
- Recently licensed agents who are ready to sign (or who just signed) with a broker and have been in the biz for under a year or so
- Rookie agents, in their first year (or two) of real estate, who are lost and confused
If your dream ambition is to have a career that gives you autonomy and provides financial security, then real estate is for you! This can be a fun and exciting business filled with opportunities for ambitious, hardworking individuals.
However, setting up a new business in real estate will require many things that you haven’t even thought of yet. You need a road map to guide you down the path to creating the tools, systems, and knowledge that you need to be a successful, money-making real estate agent.
"If you won't invest in yourself and your training, why should you expect anyone to hire (invest) in you?"

Get Ahead of Your Competition & Achieve the Financial Security and Freedom That You Dream About
The JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents book will teach you the "best kept secrets" in the industry. By the time you finish this book, you will have the knowledge and systems that take other agents two to three years to achieve. This will give you a competitive advantage in your market. You will jump ahead of your competition and get closer to living the lifestyle that you have always dreamed about.
You've spent some time, money, and effort in obtaining your real estate license. Make sure they aren't wasted.
Invest in yourself and your dream of financial security.