Do You Want to Become a SUCCESSFUL Real Estate Agent?
You Need the Best Training Course in the Industry!
JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents
A Step-by-Step Training Course for Building a SUCCESSFUL Career in Real Estate--Fast!
This is an online training course, developed by an active, 12-year veteran real estate agent, who understands the most efficient way to get your real estate career up-and-running as quickly as possible.
⊗ You don't need to depend on your broker to get this training...
⊗ You don’t need to ask the other agents in your office (who forgot most of the first steps anyway)…
⊗ You don’t have to read every real estate book ever written…
⊗ You don’t need to waste time trying to figure this all out (which will take YEARS)…
√ You just need to go through the JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents training course!
√ This is the fastest way to build a successful career in real estate!

This training course was designed for first-year real estate agents. This includes:
- Pre-licensed people who want to get a head-start in the business
- Part-time agents who want to prepare as much as possible before quitting their day job
- Newly licensed agents who are ready to sign (or who just signed) with a broker
- Rookie agents, in their first year or so of real estate, who are lost and confused
If your dream ambition is to have a career that gives you autonomy and provides financial security, then real estate is for you! This can be a fun and exciting business filled with opportunities for ambitious, hardworking individuals. However, setting up a new business in real estate will require many things that you haven’t even thought of yet. You need a road map to guide you down the path to creating the tools, skills, and knowledge that you need to be an active real estate agent.
This hands on training course is filled with practical activities that will help you set up your new real estate business and prepare you to be a successful real estate agent. If you complete all 9 training modules in this training course, then you will be up-and-running, and working with clients, in a very short time. By performing the tasks in this training course, you will lay a strong foundation on which to build a fulfilling career in real estate. Here’s to your success!
"If you are feeling overwhelmed & confused about your real estate career, then let's get you back on track. This is the roadmap that you have been looking for!"

What Is Covered In The JumpStart Training Course?
Over 9 hours of in-depth training videos PLUS
everything included in the JumpStart Toolkit (see details)
35+ downloadable resources including: spreadsheets, worksheets,
transaction templates, buyer presentation, listing presentation, and more!

Module 1 - Planning Your Budgets & Forecasting Your Income
You're getting into the real estate business because you want to make money and (hopefully) achieve some financial security. So your first step is to know your budget in order to set your income goals. Once you know your income goals, then you can evaluate different compensation plans that brokers use to pay their sales agents. This will enable you to see which compensation plan will help you achieve your income goals the fastest.
So in Module 1, you will plan your preliminary budgets and do some preliminary income forecasting. You need to know this information before you start interviewing brokers, so you can choose a broker with the right compensation plan for your income goals.
In this module you will also choose some affirmations and create a vision board so that you can start your career with good motivational habits each day. As a self-employed real estate agent, you will not have a supervisor (or anyone else) to motivate you on a daily basis—you have to motivate yourself!

Module 2 - Interviewing & Choosing a Broker
Once you learn about the main types of broker compensation plans in Module 1, then you will be ready to interview brokers and choose the right broker for you.
In Module 2, you will learn how to set up interviews with various brokers. You will get a list of Questions to Ask Brokers and a unique way to evaluate brokers using our Broker Decision Analysis worksheet. This worksheet helps you evaluate and rate multiple brokers based on criteria that is important to you. This will enable you to select the best broker--the one who best meets your specific criteria.

Module 3 - Setting Up Shop for Your Real Estate Business
After you choose a broker, you will be ready to set up shop. This includes many activities that you haven’t even thought of yet! These are the day-to-day systems that run your real estate business. So Module 3 helps you through the following tasks:
- Getting Started at Your Brokerage
- Deciding Where To Office
- Creating a Car Kit
- Setting Up Communications
- Keeping Track of Logins and Passwords
- Getting the Right Phone Apps
- Keeping Up With News/Trends
- Developing a Safety Plan
- Creating a List of Vendors
- Setting Up Your Filing System
- Handling Money
- Taking Your Required Local & National Training (not the same as for getting your license)
Plus, Module 3 provides a very handy checklist for First Day Tasks so you know exactly what you need to accomplish on your first day at the broker’s office. You would be surprised at how often new real estate agents complain about how disorganized and unprepared their broker is on their first day. (Brokers don't have dedicated Training and HR departments.) However, you won’t have to worry about that…you will have a detailed list so you can ask for what you need and what you want to know. This will make that First Day easier for both you and your broker.

Module 4 - Becoming a Local Area Expert
Everyone has heard the saying: “There are only three things you need to know about real estate: Location, location, location.” If you want to be a successful real estate agent, and start earning a lucrative living as soon as possible, then you have to become a local area expert. Your clients will expect you to know all the details about living in your area: the schools, taxes, amenities, parks and recreation, flood zones (if applicable), etc. The sooner you acquire this knowledge, the faster you will achieve success.
Plus, your seller clients will expect you to be able to help them get their houses ready to go on the market. Likewise, your buyer clients will expect you to help them through the inspection process and repair negotiations. To do both, you need to know a lot about houses! People don’t want to hire real estate amateurs; they want to hire real estate experts. If you know less than your clients about housing materials, common defects to watch out for, the building process, local schools, local amenities, home prices, and so on, then people won’t hire you.
In Module 4, you will go through our unique process of getting to know your product (houses + your local area) so that you can feel confident when working with clients. This will help you build authority, prove your credibility, and help you compete with veteran agents in the area who DO HAVE this knowledge.
This is one of the most crucial steps in your path to real estate success!
You should start this process early in your career because it takes time. You may be researching one neighborhood per week, over the next 12-15 weeks, to really get to know your area. You don’t have to completely finish Module 4 before you begin the Module 5. Get started early and keep it up until you can successfully “pass” the Local Area Expert Self-Assessment at the end of the Module.

Module 5 - Analyzing Your Market & Selecting a Profitable Target Market
When people find out that you are a real estate agent, they will almost always ask you, “How’s the market?” So you need to learn how to analyze your market and know the median sales prices, average Days on Market, top-selling neighborhoods, fastest selling subdivisions, and more. You also need to understand local market statistics in order to choose a profitable target market.
Knowing your market statistics and selecting a profitable target market are crucial steps to your real estate success. You don’t want to waste time and money marketing to a neighborhood, farm area, or niche that is unprofitable. In Module 5, you will use the worksheets and your MLS platform to go through our process to analyze your market. Then you will evaluate your market and discover the top-selling neighborhoods/buildings in the area. This will help you to evaluate possible farm areas and possible niche markets to determine which one is the best match for you. Choosing the right target market will enable you to promote and brand yourself effectively.

Module 6 - Planning Your Marketing Strategy & Writing a Business Plan
In Module 6, you will learn about the four main marketing strategies that real estate agents use to generate leads. Then you will choose the right strategies and activities for you and your target market. This will enable you to create an implementation plan and a set of daily, weekly, and monthly goals that will help you succeed as a real estate agent. Then you will consolidate that information with the information that you developed in the preceding Modules into one AWESOME, very useful, business plan.
Your business plan will be the lighthouse to guide you when you need direction. It is your list of duties and responsibilities for your first year as a real estate agent. Refer to it frequently and always check with your business plan before you change your marketing strategy. It’s very common for real estate agents to “switch gears” too often and get off track. This wastes time, money, and energy. Use your business plan to keep you on track. That’s not to say it can never be revised—you can revise your plan when needed!—you just don’t want to revise it without serious consideration first.

Module 7 - Creating an Internet Platform to Promote Your Real Estate Business
In today’s digital and social world, you need an Internet platform to promote your real estate business. This will include your chosen social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube) as well as profiles listed on as many real estate websites as you can find (, Zillow, Trulia,, etc). Plus, you need to have a great Google Business Profile as well.
In Module 7, you will go through the process of gathering your portrait photo and banner image, writing your business profile (with our fill-in-the-blank template), and developing a tagline (optional). Then you will set up and edit the accounts and profiles you have on various social media platforms and real estate websites, and also learn some tips for doing so effectively and efficiently.
You will also begin a client review system and start developing “social proof” for yourself. Reviews, testimonials, Facebook Followers, etc. are important aspects of proving to prospective clients that you are a safe person to hire as their real estate agent. So learn how to develop that system early on and treat it as one of the most important parts of your real estate business.

Module 8 - Getting Ready to Meet with Clients & Manage Transactions
By the time you get to Module 8, you are almost ready to meet with clients to help them buy and sell houses. In this Module, you will gather your basic marketing items: business cards, nametags, signs, etc. You should not have gathered those items too early in the process, because you needed to define your target market first and develop your marketing strategy before you can create marketing items that appeal to your target market.
During this module, you will set up your online contracts system by creating templates for the various types of transactions you plan to manage. Then you must create the day-to-day tools that you need when working with clients, including your buyer and seller transactions forms and checklists, a notebook for first meetings with buyers, folders to give to buyers, listing presentation and materials for sellers, and two PowerPoint presentations (one for buyers and one for sellers).

Module 9 - Setting Up Your Prospecting System
By the time you get to Module 9, you are super-ready to work full-time as a real estate agent. Since all real estate agents should include Prospecting as one of their marketing strategies, in this Module you will set up your Prospecting system which includes: setting up your database of Contacts, choosing your VIPs, setting up your calendar and call lists, creating your lead tracking system, learning an effective lead follow-up process, and following your Daily Checklist for lead generation.
The 3-page Daily Checklist in this Module will show you exactly what you need to do every day to run your successful real estate business. You will not have to struggle with figuring out what to do every day...this checklist is it! Plus, it helps you to keep track of your accomplishments so that you can meet your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly goals (as established in your business plan).
To be a successful real estate agent, you must make sure that you are doing activities--EVERY DAY!--that build your business. This training course will show you HOW.

What's Included In the JumpStart Toolkit?
The JumpStart Toolkit for New Real Estate Agents contains over 35 downloadable resources that you can customize with YOUR photo and logo to brand for YOUR real estate business. These are easy to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with step-by-step videos to show you exactly how to customize them for your business.
You need a Listing Presentation and a Listing Packet when you meet with home sellers! |
You need a Buyer's Presentation and a Buyer's Folder when you meet with home buyers for the first time! |
You need contact sheets (intake forms) when you first talk with a potential buyer or seller. |
You need checklists for managing transactions (so you don't forget anything you're supposed to do). |
You need checklists for helping sellers with the sales process, including how to get their home ready for sale. |
You need checklists to help buyers with the sales process and to keep them informed of their contractual deadlines. |
You need a spreadsheet to track income and expenses. |
You need these things (and more!) to look PROFESSIONAL and impress your clients! |
This toolkit will save you so much time and give you the tools you need to run your real estate business. It takes most real estate agents years to develop all the items you will receive in this AWESOME toolkit!
$199 Value

Plus, You Get a PDF Version of the "JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents Workbook"
The JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents training course follows the content of the 230+ page workbook with the same name. So when you purchase the training course, you also receive a PDF version of the workbook, which you can print, so you will have ALL the checklists, worksheets, etc. that are in the workbook! This is an invaluable resource for new real estate agents and will get you on the fast-track ASAP.
$29.99 Value
"Since you need to start earning a living in this business right away, stop wasting time trying to figure it all out by yourself!"
The JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents training course will teach you some of the "best kept secrets" in the industry. By the time you finish this training course, you will have the knowledge and systems that take other agents two to three years to achieve. This will give you a competitive advantage in your market. You will jump ahead of your competition and get closer to living the lifestyle that you have always dreamed about.
The regular price for this training course is $599. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER NOW $399!
If you just get ONE client from what you learn in this training course, then you more than recover the cost!

The "JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents" is one of the most popular and valuable training courses that I’ve ever created. I promise it will be some of the best money you’ve ever spent on your real estate business.Â
However, if you are not completely satisfied with this product, then just email us, within 14 days of purchase, and you will receive 100% refund (see our Help page for detailed information).