Why Are You Struggling As a Real Estate Agent?

Why are you struggling as a real estate agent?

  • You're not getting enough leads for your business
  • You're not getting enough appointments
  • You're not signing enough Agreements
  • You're not doing enough Closings
  • You're not making any money in this business

You came into the real estate world with high expectations, and you really thought you “had what it takes” to be a successful real estate agent, but you just aren’t seeing the financial results that you want.

Maybe you've done everything that your broker told you to do, and everything your colleagues and your mentor told you to do, but those things aren’t working for you. You’ve probably tried this, and you've tried that, but none of it's panning out. You're feeling lost and confused and you really don't know what the problem is. So you’re stuck wondering, “What in the world is wrong with me? Why am I not successful at this when so many people around me are?”

Let me state for the record: To be “ready, willing, and able” but still failing is SUCH a frustrating place to be!



I know so many of you are struggling, I see it all the time. So, to help you figure out what’s wrong, I put together a 10-minute professional self-audit that you can use to help you figure out what you need, to get you back on track. I created this assessment to help you identify the key areas where you may need help and what items you may need to create.

A lot of real estate agents don't actually have all the knowledge and skills and tools that they need to be successful in this business. They don't have them, because they don't even know about them. They haven't even thought about them yet. Because, when you're new at something, “You don't know what you don't know.” You need someone else to tell you. You need an expert to show you the way.

If you wanted to climb a 20,000 foot mountain, you wouldn't just say, “Hey, there's a mountain. I think I'll go climb it,” without any type of expert training. If you were going to start mountain climbing, you would hire an expert to train you, because there's a lot of danger involved in mountain climbing.

Well, as a real estate agent, you need expert training as well. You need an expert to show you the things that you are not aware of. It’s really challenging to try to figure this all out on your own. Again: You don't know what you don't know.

And, unfortunately, some of the most important aspects of being a successful real estate agent are also some of the “best kept secrets” in the industry. Most real estate books and training courses don’t go over MANY of the key elements of running a successful real estate business. This has always been a “sink or swim” industry…you either figure it out on your own, or you fail as a real estate agent.

So download my free Professional Self-Audit for Real Estate Agents. It's going to take you about 10 minutes and it's going to very quickly help you identify the holes in your real estate business…the things that you need to do to get back on track. Keep in mind that you probably haven’t even heard of, or thought of, many of the items on the assessment. That should be a clue to you that you haven’t been trained on EVERYTHING you need to know!

I have been an active, successful real estate agent since 2009. I have studied and analyzed over 30 books, 100s of hours of training classes and webinars, and 1000s of articles. I’ve tried and tested many different things in real estate, and I know what ACTIVE real estate agents need to be truly successful. I’ve consolidated all of this information into THE MOST IMPORTANT aspects of starting a money-making real estate career and put together an assessment to make sure you’re implementing them.

Yes, you CAN be a successful real estate agent. You’ve just got to figure out what you're missing, and then get those things set up for your real estate business.




Helpful resources for real estate agents:




Learn how to differentiate yourself and establish you're "REALAUTHORITY" as THE local area real estate expert. Generate leads by ATTRACTING business to you with a HYPERLOCAL Lead Generation System!





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