Are You a Real Estate AMATEUR or an EXPERT?

Know, Like, and Trust 

One saying that you hear a lot in the real estate industry is:

People like to do business with people they know, like, and trust.

So we spend a lot of time...

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Best Real Estate Course for New Agents


The best real estate course for new agents (after you get your license) is the JumpStart for New Real Estate Agents training course. This online training course was developed by an...

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How to Do a Market Analysis and Select a PROFITABLE Target Market

Why Doing a Market Analysis Is Important

It's very important to learn how to analyze your market for three reasons.

The first reason is because the number one question everybody asks you, when they...

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Why Are You Struggling As a Real Estate Agent?

Why are you struggling as a real estate agent?

  • You're not getting enough leads for your business
  • You're not getting enough appointments
  • You're not signing enough Agreements
  • You're not...
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Best Brokerage for New Agents in Real Estate

Learn How to Choose the Best Brokerage for New Agents in Real Estate

The Struggle is Real

Most new real estate agents need help in choosing the best brokerage for new agents. I often see their...

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Got My Real Estate License, Now What?

There's more on "how to become a real estate agent" than just getting your real estate license!

Building a Successful Career is Like Building a House

After you get your real estate license, you...

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First Day Tasks at New Real Estate Brokerage

First Things First

Once you choose a real estate brokerage, you will need to sign some paperwork and make sure all your licensing requirements are filed with the state. If you haven’t...

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Writing an Effective Business Plan for Real Estate Agents

Why You Need a Business Plan As a Real Estate Agent

To be a successful real estate agent, you need an effective business strategy. One that will direct your efforts and keep you on track in...

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Creating an Internet Platform for Promoting Your Real Estate Business

Getting Found On the Internet

We live in an Internet-focused world. Even if you do not plan to use Internet Marketing as a marketing strategy, your clients will expect you to have a profile listed...

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Two Step

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